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City Wide Garage Sale Finds

September 7, 2011

Hi All, it has been waaay to long. I got swept up in a remodeling storm. Lots of great projects under way,…

Library nerds, raise your hands.

July 11, 2011

There is something magical about visiting the library and getting to take home books for free. Every time I step through the…

Miles of Tiles

June 29, 2011

As a designer working on new construction and remodel projects, I am always surrounded by tile. Miles and miles of tile. It…

Let your walls do some talking-Part 1

June 20, 2011

I’m not sure why so many people are afraid of paint on their walls. It took my own mother twenty years to…

It’s the little things…

June 13, 2011

I recently had the opportunity to remodel small powder bath and what a difference changing a few design elements can make. Unfortunately,…

My little obsession with seating

June 6, 2011

I am not sure where this obsession stemmed from but I have to admit I have a thing for chairs. Could it…

And this is where the Urban Toile begins…

May 29, 2011

  Standard protocol of a blog…why am I blogging. Having recently hit the ground networking for business purposes and attending networking seminars,…

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